Zoo Tycoon Marine Mania (PC)

$10,000 Free Money

While the game is unpaused, hit the code buttons for $10,000. Warning: Using this cheat will cause your marine tank water to become dirty!
shift+4 ($) for $10,000$10,000
Contributed By: jasmith

Change Pointer Color

Change Pointer ColorPress CTRL+C during gameplay.
Contributed By: Oedipus Complex

Upset the women and children

Name a male guest one of the following for the desired effect.
BoogymanMake Children Guests Upset
rproMake Female Guests Upset


Password Cheats

To activate the cheats below, rename your guests to one of the following:
Andrew BinderAll animal buildings unlocked
Adam LevesqueAll animal care research programs unlocked
Lou CatanzaroAll animal enrichment research programs unlocked
John WheelerAll animal shelters unlocked
Steve SerafinoAll endangered animals research programs unlocked
Charlie PetersonAll exhibit foliage unlocked
AkiyamaAll scenarios unlocked
Hank HowieAll staff education research programs unlocked
Mr. BlueBlues guests/buildings
Mr. BrownBrown guests/buildings
Name a male maintenance worker The RockDestroys all buildings
Russell CDeteriorate fences 100%
Zeta Psi or StinkyMake guests sick
Mr. OrangeOrange guests/buildings
Mr. PinkPink guests/buildings
Name a male maintenance worker George WRemoves all foliage and get a $300 tax rebate
Name a male maintenance worker Bob VRepairs all broken fences
Name a female tour guide RosalieSets all tour guide salaries to $0
Alfred HWhite birds will attack
Mr. WhiteWhite guests/buildings
Mr. BlondeYellow guests/buildings

Password Cheats - Exhibits

Rename your exhibits to unlock the following:
TriceratopsCretaceous Corral
Double the exhibit donationsMicrosoft
Increase number of visitors to parkWonderland

Staff Name Passwords

Rename the specified staff member one of the following.
Name a male maintenance worker "Bob V"All broken fences will be fixed.
Name a male maintenance worker "George W"All the foliage in the zoo will disappear.
Name a tour guide "Rosalie"All tourguides will work for free.
Name a scientist "Dr. School"The scientist will run instead of walk.
Name a scientist "Dr. Frankenstein"There will be a 10% chance an egg will change its contents when the scientist visits.

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